Saturday, November 12, 2005

Sandal Of The Prophet- Heavenly peace and blessings shower upon him

Notes from Imam Ahmad al-Maqarri al-Tilimsani’s voluminous book on the Radiant Sandal of the Prophet, May Allah shower peace & blessings on Him

In Arabic the Prophet’s sandal is known as ‘Na’l al-Nabiiy’.

The Prophet’s sandal is an amulet full of bliss, peace and serenity. At time of stress and grief one should place it on their heart and eyes for its luminous effects.

It is a cure for the ill, pathway to relief for those in anguish, healing for the pregnant woman at time of birth, strong against the evil eye, and a symbol of security and protection for ships at sea, property from loss, house from burning, caravans from hostile attacks. People would use the Sandal image for the aforementioned reasons and also for a means of achieving immense blessings in the stations of this world and the hereafter.

From those who drew an image of the blessed Sandal, approved its miraculous blessings and served it from the Hadith Masters were Ibn Asakir & his student Badr Fariqi, Hafiz Zayn al-Din Iraqi & his son, Imam Sakhawi and Imam Suyuti from the east. It is well known that the following scholars of Morocco were foremost in drawing the image (Ar. Mithal/Naqsh) since they did not have the real thing, Ibn Marzuwq, Abu Bakr Ibn al-Arabi, Hafiz Abu al-Rabee’, Hafiz Abu Abdullah bin al-Ibar, Ibn Rashedd al-Fahri, Ibn Jabir Aashi, Ibn al-Bara al-Tuwsi, Abu Is’haq al-Undlusi. Ibn Asakir took it from the Moroccan Ibn al-Haaj and all hadith scholars thereafter took it from him.

The tribe of Ibn al-Hadeed preserved the Sandals and then they were kept in Jami’ah Ashrafiyyah, Damascus. Moroccan travellers such as Ibn al-Rasheed came to Damascus and drew images to take back for the people.

May Allah enlighten their graves with His light and reward them for their efforts.

Verily I serve the image of the Sandal of Mustafa
So that I may live in both worlds under its protection
Imam Yusuf al-Nabhani

More to come on this...

Books On the Excellence of Imam Abu Hanifah (Manaqib)

1. Tabyeedh al-Saheefah fi Manaqib al-Imam Abi Hanifah by Jalal al-Din al-Suyuti al-Shafi’I, (d.1505/911h).

2.Al-Khayrat al-Hisan fi Manaqib ala-Imam al-A’zam Abi Hanifah al-Nu’man & also Qala’id al-Uqyan by Abu al-Abbas Ahmad bin Hajar al-Makki al-Shafi’I, (d.1536/943h).

. Matba’ah al-Khayriyah, 1886 (1304h)
. Ed. Shk Khaleel al-Meys, Dar al-Kutub al-Ilmiyyah

3. Manaqib al-Imam al-A’zam by Muwaffaq bin Ahmad al-Makki al-Khawarzimi, (d.1172/568h).

. Da’irat al-Ma’arif, Hayderabad, Al-Dakkan, 1894 (1321h)
. Dar al-Kitab al-Arabi, Beirut, 1981 (1401h)
. Urdu Translation by Allamah Faiz Ahmad Owaisi, Maktabah Nabawiyyah, Lahore, 1999 (1420h)

4. Manaqib al-Imam al-A’zam by Hafiz al-Din, Muhmammad ibn Muhammad al-Kurdari (known as Ibn al-Bazzaz), author of Fatawa al-Bazzaziyya, (d.1424/ 827h).

. Published together with Ibn al-Muwaffaq’s Manaqib, Dar al-Kitab al-Arabi, Beirut, 1981 (1410h)

5. Manaqib al-Imam al-A’zam by Muhamamd bin Ahmad al-Saghdi, Ibn Awwam

6. Manaqib al-Imam al-A’zam by Shaykh Abu Sa’eed in Persian

7. Manaqib al-Imam al-A’zam by Muhammad Kami Effendi in Turkish

8.Manaqib al-Imam al-A’zam by Sa’d al-Din Effendi in Turkish

9. Abu Hanifah, Hayatuhu wa Asruhu Ara’uhu wa Fiqhuhu by Imam Abu Zuhrah

. Dar al-Fikr al-Arabi, Cairo, 1991 (1412h)

10. Tanweer al-Saheefah bi Manaqib al-Imam Abi Hanifah by Yusuf bin Hassan bin Ahmad bin Abd al-Hadi al-Hanbali, known as Ibn al-Mibrad (d. 1503/909h) in a voluminous book still unpublished.

11. Akhbaru Abi Hanifah wa As’habihi, also known as Manaqib Abi Hanifah by Abu Bakr Ahmad bin Muhammad bin Salamah al-Tahawi (d.933/321h)

Hafiz Al-Qurashi and Abd al-Hayy al-Lakhnawi mention it amongst his works in their memoirs, al-Jawahir al-Mudhee’ah (1:277) and al-Fawa’id al-Bahiyyah (p32). Al-Kawthari also cites it in al-Hawi fi Sirat al-Imam al-Tahawi. It is among the lost works of Imam al-Tahawi.
12. Manaqib al-Nu’man by Ahmad bin al-Salt Zaheer al-Din al-Mirghinani

13. Al-Bustan fi Manaqib al-Nu’man by Abd al-Qadir bin Abi al-Wafa al-Qurashi

14. Shaqa’iq al-Nu’man fi Manaqib al-Nu’man by Jarrullah al-Zamakhshari

15. Tuhfat al-Sultan fi Manaqib al-Nu’man by Abu Sufyan bin Kassa

16. Uquwd al-Juman fi Manaqib Abi Hanifa al-Nu’man by Muhammad Yusuf al-Salih al-Dimashqi.

. A manuscript in al-Azhar
. Published in Heydarabad al-Dakkan, 1974 (1394h)

17. Seerat al-Nu’man by Shibli Nu’mani

. Urdu.
. Available in English: Imam Abu Hanifah: Life and Work of Muslim Jurist, Sirat I Numan, Apex Books Concern, December 1978

18. Manaqib al-Imam Abi Hanifah Wa Sahibayhi Abi Yusuf Wa Muhammad bin al-Hassan by Imam al-Dhahabi al-Hanbali.

. Published in Egypt, 1947 (1367h)
. Dar al-Kitab al-Arabi, Beirut, 1947 (1367h)
. Ed. Imam al-Kawthari & Imam Abu al-Wafa’ al-Afghani, Maktab al-Matbu’at al-Islamiyah, Aleppo

In his Siyar, Imam al-Dhahabi proclaimed that ‘the Biography of Imam Abu Hanifah requires two volumes, May Allah be pleased with him and have mercy on him’.

Imam al-Dhahabi contributed an entire section to Imam Abu Hanifah in his Siyar A’lam al-Nubula’ and Tareekh al-Islam. However, he did not mention the Imam’s biography in Mizan al-I’tidal according to scrupulous research conclusion. Someone tampered the Mizan by adding Imam Abu Hanifah’s biography in it and weakening him. Imam Abd al-Hayy a-Lakhnawi and Ustaz Abd al-Fattah Abu Ghudda substantiates its fabrication in his footnotes on al-Raf’ wa al-Takmeel, pages 125 to128.

19. Al-Intiqa fi Fadha’il al-Thalathah al-A’immah al-Fuqaha by al-Hafiz Ibn Abd al-Barr al-Maliki

. Ed. Zahid Al-Kawthari, Matba’ah al-Ma’ahid, 1931 (1350h)
. Ed. Ustadh Abd al-Fattah Abu Ghuddah, Matktab al-Matbu’at al-Islamiyah

20. Akhbaru Abi Hanifah Wa Ashabihi by Abu Abdillah al-Sumayri

21. Maqam Abi Hanifah by Mawlana Sarfiraz Khan Safdar

22. Manaqib al-Imam by Mulla Ali Qari in print with Al-Qurashi’s Al-Jawahir Al- Mudhee’ah.

. Hayderabad al-Dakkan, 1913 (1332h)
. Dar Ihya al-Kutub al-Arabiyyah, 1978 (1398h) & Dar al-Ulum, Riyadh, 1986 (1407h) (don’t know if this ed has Ali Qari’s Manaqib)

23-al-Durr al-Munazzam fi Manaqib al-Imam al-A`zam, a manuscript kept in the library of al-Azhar al-Sharif (#238), For Nuh Effendi (d. 1659/1070h).

24. Umdat al-Bayan fi I’lan Manaqib al-Nu’man, Allamah Ghulam Dastageer Qusuri (d.1897/1315h), Urdu.

25. Al-Aqwal al-Saheehah fi jawab al-Jarh ala Abi Hanifah, Imam Nur Bakhsh Tawakkuli

26. Al-Sayf al-Sarim li munkiri Sha’n al-Imam al-A’zam, Allamah Faqeer Muhammad Jehlmi

27. Al-Intisar Li Imam A’immat al-Amsar, in two large volumes & al-Intisar wa al-Tarjeeh li al-Madhab al-Saheeh by Abu al-Muzaffar Jamal al-Din Yusuf bin Quzughuli bin Abdillah al-Baghdadi (known as Sibt Ibn al-Jazi),

. Published in Egypt, 1941 (1360h)

The second al-Intisar received forward and notes by Imam Zahid al-Kawthari.

Sibt Ibn al-Jawzi also wrote a fair amount on Imam Abu Hanifah in Mir’at al-Zaman fi Tareekh al-A’yan,

. Hayderabad al-Dakkan, 1950 (1370h)
. Ed. Dhayl Qutb al-Din Musa al-Yuneeni, Matba’ah Majlis Da’irat al-Ma’arif al-Uthmaniyah, Hayderabad, al-Dakkan, 1959 (1379h)

28. Fiqh Ahl al-Iraq wa Hadeethuhum by Imam Zahid al-Kawthari

. Dar al-Ma’mun al-Turath, 1955 (1357h)
. Dar al-Qalam, Beirut, 1970 (1390h)
. With footnotes by Imam Binnawuri, published with Imam al-Zayla’i’s Nasb al-Ra’yah, Dar al-Hadith, Cairo, ed.1, 1995 (1416h)
. With Ustadh Abd al-Fattah’s footnotes, Maktab al-Matbu’at al-Islamiyah, Aleppo, 1970 (1390h).

29. Fat’h al-Mannan Fi Ta’yeed Madhab al-Nu’man. Imam Abd al-Hayy al-Lakhnawi mentioned it in Zafar al-Amani (p330) without mentioning its author.

30. Uquwd al-Jawahir al-Muneefah fi Adillat Abi Hanifah by Murtadha al-Zabidi

. Matba’ah al-Wataniyyah, Alexandria, 1875 (1292h)

31. Lamhat al-Nazar fi Sirat al-Imam Zufar by Imam Zahid al-Kawthri

32. Husn al-Taqadhi fi Seerat al-Imam Abi Yusuf al-Qadhi by Imam Zahid al-Kawthri

33. Bulugh al-Amani fi Seerat al-Imam Muhammad bin al-Hassan al-Shaybani by Imam Zahid al-Kawthri

34. Al-Imta’ bi sirat al-Imamayn al-Hasab bin Ziyad w Sahibihi Muhmmad bin Shuja’ by Imam Zahid al-Kawthari

. Matba’ah al-Anwar, 1949 (1368h)

Note: The latter four books are on the lives of Abu Hanifah’s students all of which consist an enormous amount of work on the excellence of the Hanafi Madhab.

35. Makanah al-Imam Abi Hanifah fi al-Hadeeth by Muhammad Abd al-Rasheed al-Nu’mani

. Maktab al-Matbu’at al-Islamiyyah

36. Abu Hanifah al-Nu’man by Wahbi Sulayman al-Gawji

. Maktabah Shaykh al-Islam Arif Hikmat, Madinah

37. Abu Hanifah wa As’habuhu al-Muhaddithuwn (Muqaddimah I’la’ al-Sunan) by al-Thanawi

Imam Akmal al-Din Muhammad bin Muhammad al-Babarti (d.786h) wrote the following four books on the excellence, precedence and distinction of Imam Abu Hanifah and his madhab.

38. Muqaddimah Fi tarjih Madhab Abi Hanifah
Maktabah Jami’ Fatih 4:2269

39. Risalah fi Anna Madhab Abi Hnaifah aqdam wa arjah al-Madhahib al-Sanee’ah
Shaheed Ali Basha, 47:2725

40. Risalah fi Tarjeeh Taqleed al-Imam al-A’zam
Azmeerli Isma’il Haqqi, 3:711

41. al-Nukat al-Zarifah fi Tarjih Madhab Abi Hanifah
Haji Khalifah menions it in Kashf al-Zunun

Memoirs to the Hanafi scholars

Up until the 8th century after Hijra, the biographies of Hanafi scholars were found scattered in various memoirs and in its beginning did this become the subject of many scholars who compiled the memoirs of the Hanafi scholars and particularised large volumes to their lives and works. Below is a catalogue to some of the most famous memoirs of the Hanafi Scholars and their services in the sciences of the Deen

1. Salah al-Din Abdullah bin bin Muhammad bin Muahammad bin Ibrahim bin al-Muhandis (d.679h) wrote an excellent memoir in three volumes about which Ibn Hajar said, ‘‘Salah al-Din put all of his efforts to compile this memoir since he travelled to many countries and cities to collect the biographies’’. (See: al-Durar al-Kaminah, under the name Salah al-Din)

2. Najm al-Din Ibrahim al-Tartusi (d.1357/758h), Wafayat al-A’yan min Madhab al-Nu’man

3.Abu Muhammad Muhiyyudin al-Qurashi (d.1374/775h), al-Jawahir al-Mudhee’ah fi Tabaqat al-Hanafiyyah

4. Sarim al-Din Ibrahim bin Muhammad al-Qahiri (d.1407/809h), Nazm al-Juman fi Tabaqat As’hab Imamina al-Nu’man. It is in three volumes the first of which is ion the meits of Abu Hanifah and the last two on the lives and works of the Hanfi scholars, (Haji Khalifah, Kashf al-Zunun)

5. Ibn Duqman Majd al-Din al-Fayruz-Abadi al-Sherazi (d.1414/817h), al-Mirqat fi Tabaqat al-Hanfiyyah

6. Taqiy al-Din al-Maqrizi (d.1442/845h), al-Tadhkirah

7. Qasim bin Qutlubuga, Taj al-Tarajim

8. Qadhi Badr al-Din al-Ayni (d.1451/855h), Tabaqat al-Hanafiyyah

9. Zayn al-Din Abu al-Adl al-Jamali (d.1475/879h), Talkhees Taj al-Tarajim

10. Shams al-Din Muhammad al-Dimashqi (d.1546/953h), al-Guraf al-Aliyyah fi Tarajim Muta’akhirri al-Hanafiyyah

11. Shams al-Din bin Aaja Muhammad bin Muhammad, Tabaqat al-Hanafiyyah.

12. Ibrahim bin Muhammad al-Halbi (d.1549/956h) abridged the Memoir of al-Muhandis and al-Qurashi’s al-Jawahir al-Mudhee’ah.

13. Muhmmad bin Umar (d.1552/959h), Tabqat al-Hanafiyyah

14. Ali bin Amrullah al-Jina’I (d.1572/979h), Mukhtasar ala Ihdaa wa Ishreena Tabaqah

15.Mahmud bin Sulayman al-Rumi (d.1582/990h), A’lam al-Akhyar min Fuqaha’ Madhab al-Nu’man al-Mukhtar. Unfortunately along with other works of the author this book caught on fire. The author made a second attempt to compile it but died before its compilation. May Allah reward him for his efforts.

16. Taqiy al-Din bin Abd al-Qadir al-Tameemi al-Misri, (d.1597/1005h), al-Tabaqat al-Saniyyah fi Tarajim al-Hanafiyyah,

. Footnotes by Abd al-Fattah al-Huluw, Matabi’ al-Ahram, 1975 (1395h)
. Dar al-Rafa’I, Riyadh, ed.1, 1983 (1403h)

17. Nur al-Din Ali bin Sultan al-Harawi al-Qari (d.1605/1014h), Kitab al-Athmar al-Janiyah fi Asma’ al-Hanafiyyah.

18. Abd al-Hayy al-Lakhnawi (d.1887/1304h), al-Fawa’id al-Bahiyyah fi Tarajim al-Hanafiyyah

. Publisher al-Sa’adah, 1906 (1324h)
. Dar al-Ma’Ma’rifah, Beirut

Imam Abd al-Hayy al-Lakhnawi authored the memoirs, (1) al-Nafi’ al-Kabeer for those who study al-Mirginani’s al-Hidayah and (2) Al-Sa’adah fi Kashf ma fi Sharh al-Wiqayah for those who study al-Wiqayah and al-Nuqayah.

9. Imam Abu al-Wafa al-Afghani , Tabaqat al-Hanafiyyah

Munawwar Ateeq Rizvi

Bukhari Word Differences & Compilation

Muhmmad bin abi Hatim al-Warraq once asked Muhammad bin Isma’il, ‘‘have you memorised all that which you have compiled in your collection?’’ To which he replied, ‘‘all of what is in it is not out of my sight’’. Muhammad bin Isma’il also mentioned that he wrote his al-Jami three times.

(Siyar A’alam al-Nubula, 12:403, Hady al-Sari 1:18)

Scholars mention that Imam Bukhari wrote the manuscript of his al-Jami in Basrah, Makkah and Bukhara, made its tabyeedh in the Haram after which he placed sub-headings (tarajim abwab) to each chapter in Madinah; thus there are differences in Sahih Bukhari editions.

The master of hadith sciences, Abd al-Haq al-Dehlvi states in his exposition on Mishkat al-Masabeeh, entitled ‘Asha’at al-Lum’at’, ‘‘it is reported from a group of Sufiya who say, ‘‘the first time Bukhari compiled his al-Jami was when he wrote it, the second time was when he made its tabyeedh and thirdly when he confirmed the authenticity of each hadith by directly consulting our Messenger (May Allah send peace and blessings upon him) by means of kashf in his dream and consciousness.’’’

(Asha’at al-Lum’at 1:10)

Muhammad Munawwar Ateeq Rizvi