Wednesday, September 22, 2004

A Summary of 'Shams al-Hidaya'-Breaking the Grounds of Qadiyanism

During his fight against Qadiyanism, Sayyid Mehr Ali Shah (May Allah shower mercy on his grave) wrote several books in defence of the orthodox Muslim beleifs and refutation of the Ahmadiyah heresy and ill-claims. Amongst those was the ground-breaking ‘Shams al-Hidayah’ (The sun of guidance), in short, which established the Muslim beliefs as regards to the ascent of Isa (peace be upon him) ‘alive’ to the heavens ‘in person’. It was completed in 1899 and acclaimed by all Muslim schools of thought.

The copy that I have was published in 1985 which starts with an excellent forward by Faiz Ahmad Faiz, a renowned scholar at Gholra, Islamabad. The actual work starts with the author’s reasons why he wrote the challenging epistle and questions he asked Mirza Ghulam Ahamd Qadiyani, the founder of this movement, regarding the kalima, and meaning of the verse ‘bal raf’ahullahu ilaiyi’. With strong arguments against the interpretations of ‘bal rafa’aullah’ imposed by Mirza, and concise discussions on the lexical, rhetorical and technical usage of the word ‘bal’ in the Arabic language, the author establishes unbreakable conclusions. His observation of correct syllogisms, intensiveness in logic and study of the Arabic syntax reflects his depth in knowledge and breadth of study. It really is amazing how he encapsulates repleteness in a few words. That is what makes his work purely powerful. Moreover, his scholarly discussion on this verse (wa ma qataluhu yaqeenan bal raf’a hullahu ilaiyhi) spreads over seven pages. He then enriches his work with numerous hadith on the issue of the ascent of Isa and his descent. Refutations against the beliefs of Qadyani advance in depth; the meaning of ‘mutawaffeeka’ and ‘tawaffa’, meaning of ‘men from the son’s of Faris’, conciliation between the narrations which describes the appearance of Isa, true Muslim belief about the angels, answer to the verse ‘innaka mayitun wa innahum amayyitun’ as an objection to the life of Isa, prophecies of the Prophet, narrations reagrding the comming of Dajjal, and the meaning of the verse ‘qad Khalat min qablihi al-rusul’, are some of the issues he deals with in this work.

May Allah Almighty reward those men of great knowledge and give us knowledge, pratcie and wisdom to understand and defend our deen, ameen.

Anybody who wants to acquire knowledge of these issues must ask those who know!

‘And ask the people of remembrance, if you do not know’ (al-Qur’an)

Munawwar Ateeq Rizvi, 22nd September 2004.